Dogs are such special animals. For many of us, they are more than just pets—they are family. I used to have a dog named Nicki, and she was an integral part of my life and family. Recently, I made the most difficult decision a dog parent has to make. Following a short illness, I had to put Niki down. This illness, however, could have been prevented if it weren’t for my own neglect and actions. I hope you will read this short tale of pain and learn from my experience.
I could have prevented my dog, Nicki, from dying if I had just grasped the situation. I should have recognized what I was doing was actually making her sick. As I look back, there were plenty of signs, symptoms, and early indications that I was in the process of causing her physical decline. For example, she had bad breath, started to lose weight, would get infections, and started to dislike the food I would put in front of her. I was on a continuous hunt for food that she would eat, like treats, canned, and dry dog food. I discovered, too late, that she had a digestive and nutritional problem. If I had noted the symptoms and done some research, which I failed to do, I would have recognized what her diet was doing to her health and she would still be alive.
Please do not make the same mistakes I made. The learning from this has made me aware that I need to FULLY Grasp The Situation in all aspects of my life.
Has anything like this ever happened in your life? If you have an experience like mine, please share in the comments below or share your story with us on Twitter @GraspTheSituation using the hashtag #GraspTheSituation.
The Real Person!